The Clubhouse Has Been Spammed Like a MoFo
I'm lying in bed, trying to fall asleep, when I hear my MSN Messenger going nuts. I'm getting e-mail after e-mail after e-mail after e-mail, and they're all comments to my blog.
My first reaction, lame and unrealistic as it may be, was that someone somewhere with a popular site listed my blog and I was all of a sudden getting mad hits. This pipe dream was fueled by the fact that a couple days ago I got my first comment from someone that wasn't a close personal friend (props to Meowkaat for the kind words).
The anonymous posts I received this evening (there were 17 total) were all very kind and encouraging, if not repetitive:
"Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again."
"Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks."
"I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative."
"Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon."
"Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across."
"Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it."
"Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future."
Judging by the timestamps, it appears they were all posted within a matter of seconds. Oh, and they all also included links to pages that would supposedly lead you to gambling websites, health insurance, gambling websites, college loans, gambling websites, life insurance... and more gambling websites.
And all the links ended in .be or .pl, instead of .com. I don't know what country those are from, but this blog has already publicly declared its allegiance to the (Northeastern) United States of America, thank you very much! (N.E.)U.S.A.! (N.E.)U.S.A.! (N.E.)U.S.A.!
So, if you're trolling around and see a bunch of comments deleted by the blog administrator, you'll know why. And for a little while at least, you now have to register with in order to post a comment. Sucks, I know, but I hope it won't discourage you.
I can't imagine how many of these things I would have been peppered with if I hadn't been able to change the comments settings as soon as they started coming.
Damn spammers.
By the way, click this link.