Monday, November 06, 2006

So... Why Does It Take Me 15 Hours to Drive to NY?

Fun fact of the day: The northeastern tip of Tennessee is closer to Canada than to Memphis (which is the southwestern tip). The things you learn from C-Span!

The funny part is that, when I told my friend Thad that tidbit in the law school library, after two-and-a-half hours worth of torts class, I said, "You learn something new everyday."

Yeah. That's the new thing I learned today at law school.

My New Favorite Statute

The title above assumes that I used to have a different favorite statute, but I don't think that's really the case. This is the first statute I've come across that really speaks to me. I should find out the author and send him some of the multitude of cake that Dani has been baking of late. (Soooo random, but whatever. It makes our fridge smell great. I highly recommend cake, even store-bought, instead of baking soda to keep a fridge smelling fresh. Even after it gets stale and inedible, it maintains its olfactory powers. I may invent one of those car air fresheners with "cake" flavor.)

Sorry, getting sidetracked. Back to my new favorite statute, from the great state of Colorado, which has its priorities in place:

"[T]he general assembly also finds that attendance at such professional baseball games provides a wholesome and healthy family activity which should be encouraged. ... It is therefore the intent of the general assembly to encourage attendance at professional baseball games." C.R.S.A. ยง 13-21-120